This week program spotlight is on ASA(Miami) led by Coach Jean Dubuisson. Coach Dubbisson is better known as Coach Doobie has been the HC at ASA for five years and each year his program has taken steps to become more competitive. ASA cannot be judged only by record which was 9-21 last season they are judged by how they compete in one of the best JUCO conferences in the country with a distinct disadvantage in terms of resources available comparative to other programs. Despite the challenges Coach Doobie has produced 4 year players year in and year out. We had a chance to ask Coach Doobie some questions, check it out.
Sebastien Jean (Young Harris University) (DII)
Jaryn McCann (Bryn Athyns College) (DIII)
Darian Hercule (6’9) (F)
Jean-Karlo Iciano (6’4) (G)
Gabe Casey (6’4) (G)
Quinton Desamores (6’4) (Pg)
Serge Beauvior III (6’2) (G)
Darron Humphrey (6’6) (F)
What are your expectations for ASA this coming year?
The expectations are always to better myself as a coach and improve performance as a team. The ultimate goal is to make it to Niceville, FL.
How do you feel about NJCAA decision to move basketball to a spring session?
The NJCAA made the right decision. I actually like it, although I would have preferred playing 30 games instead of 22. This pandemic brought out the creativity we all have within us to come up with a way to keep the season, so hopefully it all works out. Now, we have to create a new name for April tournaments. LOL!
What players will you miss the most from last season? Who are you most excited to coach next year?
Honestly speaking, that’s a tough one. I’m going to miss all of these guys. We lost seven guys and all of them brought something different to the table every day. I’ll miss arguing with Marquez, Sebastien and Kareem; talking and yelling at Jaryn and Jonathan; laughing at Bernard and watching him get better; pushing Levard to the point where he hated us, and lastly Marquis with his “finesse game”. LOL!
I’m most excited to coach Quinton Desamours (Lehigh), Darron Humphrey (Lehigh) and Serge Beauvoir (Triple Threat Academy). These are our Freshmen and each will bring something to us that will help us tremendously. Quinton is a winner, Darron is “SUPER” athletic and we will add even more skills to his game and Serge will bring that New York, gritty swag to this team. He’s relentless!!! As for my returning guys, it’s going to be exciting to get Darian Hercule, Jean-Karlo Iciano and Gabe Casey back. We will be fun to watch…TRUST ME!!!
What changes do you expect to see in all of college basketball this coming season due to COVID-19? (Non-NJCAA how it effects 4-year schools recruiting calendar)
Well that’s a great question in itself. The recruiting calendar is going to be a real touchy subject for the powers that be. Honestly, what should happen now is the recruiting calendar having more flexibility and a longer time period across the board.
Will you be open to playing more geographically located prep schools this year?
Honestly, with the 22 game restrictions it will be hard to schedule prep schools this season. If you have 18 conference games and four non-conference games, you will be trying to schedule other JUCOs due to strength of schedule for national polls. We would probably schedule prep schools during our allotted scrimmages.
How does the new law in the state of Florida allowing college athletes to accept endorsements affect the junior college student athlete?
I honestly don’t think it will affect the junior college level the way it will everyone else including High School. At the junior college level, the time frame is too short to really impact us the way it will high school and all other levels of collegiate sports.
Who would be your all time-starting 5? (Of the guys you coached at all schools)
I’m about to galvanize some feelings with this response. I’m seriously about to have some guys text me after this one...LOL! I’m sorry I know you said five, but I have no choice but to give you my top ten guys. I’ll apologize ahead of time because there are some others that are deserving of this recognition.
Anthony Gomes 6’1 (G)
Dextor Foster 6’7 (PG)
Travon Labranche 6’5 (F)
Katrell Myers 6’3 (G)
Alex Thomas 6’7 (F)
Denzell Osson 5’9 (PG)
Darius Sawyer 6’5 (G/F)
Matthew Maturah 6’1 (G)
Sebastien Jean 6’1 (PG)
Raven Owens 6’0 (G)